A modern day take on Lewis Carroll's classic "Alice in Wonderland", this time set in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago. Using a huge outside park right next to the lake, over 15 characters encountered Alice in different environments--the rabbit hole was a small forest, the caterpillar appeared before a large hill, and a huge musical number introduced all of the characters surrounding the audience along a long and winding road.

The site-specific environment enforced the audiences identification with Alice; the traveling audience (sometimes as many as 60 people an evening) were forced to keep up with Alice in a place where the surroundings were ever-changing.

The final courtroom scene with the Queen took place in a large patio, which served as the only actual set for the show.

As the sun set each night during the August run of ALICE, the final scene lingered in the departing summer air in a way that only a site-specific show (using a huge chorus, costume changes and tricks) can.



Writer - Michael Wise
Director - Rose Freeman
Project Manager - Jill Sandmire
Stage Manager - Emily Claibourne and Rachel Staelans
Assistant Director - Samantha McDonald
Costume Designer - Stefin Sterberl
Props Designer - Nicci Schumacher
Puppet Designer - Melani Berner
Make-up Designer - Shaina Van Selus
Wrangler - Lynn Royale
Trailer and Short - Hannah Ii-Epstein
Run Crew - Derek Van Tassel, David Kaplan, Anna Rose Epstein, Evan Fillon, Ike Holter, Tony Soto


Alice - Cameron Peart
The Queen of Hearts - Anya Clingman
Jon Schultz
Christopher Sanderson
Rashaad Hall
Dave Fink
Brandon Boler
June Thiele
Eric Prather
Kimberly Wiczer
Sandy Hunter
Joel Reithsma
Toni Machi